BIMAL Brčko and the District Government signed an agreement on the purchase of a public plot within the area of ​​AIK.

Ilija Studen, general manager of BIMAL dd Brčko district BiH and Zijad Nišić, mayor of Brčko district BiH, signed today in Councilors in Brčko Agreement on the sale of real estate through a special negotiation. The word is about the plot of land located within the Agro-Industrial Complex (AIK) u Brčko, where member companies of STUDEN&Co Holding operate. It’s a contract worth 345,637.33 KM, according to the market assessment of the Brčko Finance Directorate district of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The company plans to invest more than 5 million KM in this plot construction of a highly automated warehouse for oilseed meal.

“Our plan is to build a modern automated pellet storage on this plot, which is completely surrounded by buildings already owned by STUDEN&Co Holding, as a completely closed system, which would be directly filled with pellets from of our existing oilseed processing plant in BIMAL. Although it is the earlier estimate of the investment was from 2 to 3 million KM, by increasing the projected capacity and the level of automation, the investment according to the new projection is above 5 million KM. The facility will have the possibility of simultaneous loading and unloading and will be in in accordance with all international standards in the production of animal feed. Satisfied We are glad that the Assembly, the Government and the Mayor of the Brčko District of BiH recognized the potential of this investment, which will bring new jobs, provide better coverage of the local market with animal feed, increase the export of animal feed from BiH, indirectly contribute to a greater inflow of budget funds from the Brčko economy, and positively influence the increase in GDP”, said Ilija Studen, general director of BIMAL dd

The BIMAL company turned to the Government of the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina with a request for purchase subject plots in 2019. years. The plot was neglected and unused for years and the local and business community did not benefit from it. Considering that the plot is positioned along the internal industrial track, and that it has the possibility of unhindered maneuvering with the entire composition of wagons, will become a fully utilized and functionally connected part of the complete production process of the company

“The agro-industrial complex in Brčko is a functionally connected entity in which the leading business entities of the food industry in the Brčko District of BiH operate, but also in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a whole. The plot in question will be shot by the construction of a warehouse get full economic valorization, because as an independent entity it did not represent an economically interesting locality, nor is there a road infrastructure present to it which is not part of our business premises. By including this area in our system, the operational efficiency of the entire industrial zone will increase”, said director Studen.

The company BIMAL Brčko is a leader in the food industry in BiH and one of the regional ones leader in oil production. It currently employs 300 workers, while in The agro-industrial complex as a whole employs 600 workers.